So I guess I am to now expect all of this excess energy on the threshold of my birthday. It's now the norm...It's a little past midnight (at the time of writing --not posting) and although I had a grueling day, I'm suddenly bursting with creative energy and pumped!
...Yes in a few days I will be one year older...My how the years passes by! I remember like just yesterday...25, 29. 30...Imma stop there! I think of them all as milestones, so I am doing my yearly wrap up yet another good year.
They say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder...well the gift of life is certainly beautiful. Although every waking moment cannot hold the same euphoria, I am grateful for them ALL. And though I no longer consider myself a 'younging' in relative terms and things are pretty good, I can say that the best is yet to come.
I can safely say at this point that I am truly happy and liberated. Some things are just priceless and incomparable to anyone else's experience, so when you find it, recognize, appreciate and hold onto it for as long as you can.
My experience as I turn this corner, finds me totally independent, fulfilled as I am doing what I love, a strong sense of self, at peace (most of the time!), with a great support system, beautiful, idyllic surroundings, inspiration, a creative environment and the ability to write. Last but not least I have ENOUGH. Enough of everything I need to make me happy.
Some may say I don't ask for much, but happiness is also relative. This is what drives me and with this I've found utopia. (At times I think I am oblivious to external realities that may exist and other times I focus too much on them, but you could say I climb out of my bubble every now and then to speak the language and co-exist with the real world and when I'm done I hop back in to protect myself from the harsh realities that attempt to steal my joy :-)
Seriously though, I write what I feel at the time. It comes with effortless ease and for this I am eternally grateful to the Creator of such gifts. This is when I am truly happy, unabashed, fulfilled and it brings to the surface all subconscious thoughts that linger on the periphery.
A very wise person just told me that "life is filled with uncertainty and disappointment" but that's life...don't let it get the best of you. Make the most of YOUR reality that is your life. Things are not supposed to be perfect all of the time. Every day is not filled with rainbows and daffodils. When time gets rough, swallow down the insults, blink away the tears (of sorrow or anger) and THINK before you speak. I'm still trying to do the latter! Oh and don't ever forget to pray, thank Him and never lose faith!
As for I ascend to the mids of my high I prepare to cross over yet many more of life's hurdles this year...I thank God for giving me the strength to cope, getting me this far, blessing me and showing me His favour.
The celebration starts today!
Peace & Love